Aurora replied

694 weeks ago

Just dropping a line to say "hey" to some old friends! Hope all is going well!


Jesyvut Default replied

694 weeks ago

HI GIL! :D How is the family?

Jotnar replied

694 weeks ago

Don't spend him all in one place Jesy

Aurora replied

694 weeks ago

Going good Jesy, going good. I'm at home most days of the week taking care of him. How are things going for you all? I see a few level 95's on some people.

Jesyvut Default replied

694 weeks ago

Oh we're making it by, day-by-day! I'm job hunting to the extreme as I'm graduating in May… and it's required to have a job by December, now. We miss you and Alley!

Matthian Default replied

693 weeks ago

Howdy there Gil^^ say hi to Ally and Luke for me!
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